As we entrench ourselves deeper in the climate crisis year by year, new solutions are conceptualized to reverse the damage. The problem with many of these solutions is that they often only look at the direct ecological impacts that are causing the climate crisis. While these impacts are critical starting points, we must also take into consideration external variables that cross pollinate with these impacts to create institutionalized crisis systems. We must begin to see the connections between external variables and how each node within this extensive nexus affects the the state of all the others. By looking at the climate crisis through the various lenses of these different areas of impact, as well as through a spectrum of time, we can become better informed about where and how we can begin to reverse the damage.

The Decade of Rethinking Everything , is a collection of texts that inform on different areas of regeneration and innovation — within the scope of the physical environment, political ideas, self, and technology. The publication follows the structure of Eric Holthaus’s text “In 2030, we ended the climate emergency, here’s how,” from the year 2020 to 2030. With Holthaus’s interpretation of each year, I introduce selected relevant texts that augment and add a contextual base to the change being advocated per year. The publication, in its entirety or indexicly, is an invitation to questions and curiosity about the present and the future.


2020_Micro Steps for Macro Change


2022_Individual to Collective

2023_Post Ecocide Space

2024_Electrify Everything

2025_No Cars = More Space

    15_End of Cars
    End of the Car Age: How Cities are Outgrowing the Automobile
    Stephen Moss

    16_Car Free Zones
    Car-Free Zones Could be the Future of Cities
    Terry Nguyen

2026_Gadgets vs. Connection

2027_A Circular Economy

2028_Celebrating Inefficiency

2029_How to Fit Into The World

2030_Reaching the Impossible